I love paper! A few years ago, when i was really quite poor,
(i had one hot meal a day...a bowl of steam!) i was looking around trying to figure out what i could create out of the materials at hand. I started collecting egg & fruit cartons at the market in Rotterdam. I also collected sawdust from the lumbermill. I'd cook the paper down to mush, drain it, mix it with sawdust, wallpaper paste and wood glue and voila....Pulp. You can make the most amazing things with pulp! I made frames, interior objects & furniture and sold them at art markets. The furniture was cool...
i think Fred Flintstone would have loved it. Plus, it looked like it weighed a ton but you could pick it up with one finger! Along with the pulp i incorporated other found objects. My favorite thing to use was old rusty metal bits & pieces, like springs from old chairs or big chunky bolts. Here are a couple of examples...
Like i said, you can do anything with pulp. I definately plan on using this material more in the future. Just to get an idea how wonderful this material really is...Take a look at these
Paper Houses! They're economical, ecologically sound and beautiful! If you want to find out more just go to Google and type 'Papercrete'...you'll see the most amazing things!
Dear lady, you are an amazing person!
Really nice! What kind of glue do you use?
Yay! A fellow 'Sippian! ^_^. These pieces are great. I must try this recipe out sometime. ^_^. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
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