A special thanks to Rienie, Jeanette, Jyoti & Vincent, and Eric for performing at the Open Mic and of coarse to Bert & Tiek for allowing us to fill their café with about 30 ukulele players! (They are very brave folk, i love them!) Unfortunately i didn't get many photographs of the evening. (I was too busy ukuleleing, I'll do better next time) But, here are a small selection of photographs that i do have. (Click on the photograph to see a larger image)

It's a real pleasure to visit your blog...
I have got my firsrt ukulélé few days ago but it's quite hard to practise when you are really a beginner.
I never play a music instrument before and it's really painfull for my poor fingers. I have got a question for you. Is it possible to learn ukulélé by your own ?
Anyway I keep an eye on your blog from Paris !!!
Big kisses de la Butte aux cailles. Audren..................
Thanks Shelley for your visit on my blog and your quick answer. It is true that it's always more easier to learn with someone who knows ukulélé and give you good tips as you said than to learn on your own. When you are a beginner it's easy to have bad habits with an instrument !!!
Anyway I will try to do my best to learn more about ukulélé technics.
Big kisses from Paris.
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