These cigarboxes are both dutch brands. 'Willem II', named after a Dutch King, was started in 1916 by Harry Kersten with 8 employees. By the 30's the company employed more than 1,000 workers and was eventually taken over by SwedishMatch in the 50's. By the looks of the box and it's contents i'm guessing these date from around the mid 30's.

The Hofnar story starts when Dutchman Jacobus Heesterbeek has a disagreement with his employer, Texas Cigar Factory, around 1900, and decides from pure dissatisfaction that he can do a better job.
Unfortunately, his financial situation as half-cigar maker and half-farmer is not exactly rosy. He sells a calf in order to buy his first tobacco and begins pounding the pavement with his dogcart. Luckily, business goes well and he is able to found an independent cigar factory in 1903.
It's a really sweet lookin' box. It has a few cracks but it's definately fixable. Has a really nice size too. I paid 5 euro's for the two boxes. They'll make very good looking ukuleles...someday.
Click on the images and ZOOM.

Great find! You inspired me to tell my wife to watch out for cigar boxes on her yard sale trips.
Ah yes, personal cigarbox shopper!
By the way, your "Friday Morning' Post was glorious. Boy do i need a break from the city. I'm very envious of your green oasis.
The green oasis is about to be invaded by little black devils with wings. They usually appear when the leaves on the trees get as big as mouse ears! I just posted a little song about them over on my blog.
Five euros for both boxes, wow, what a deal. I was delighted to read about your treasures because I also love boxes. Boxes with a history, a sense of mystery...it's just fun!! Lovely post, thank you!
Love the one with the Jester on it!Hopefully you can just squeeze a sound hole in without loosing any of the picture.
I think maybe another cigar box intrument will be my next project.
How about a bowable ukulele-half uke half violin?
Hi Kittie!
Thanks for stopping by. I LOVE reading your stories about Louisiana. FAB
Hey Andy,
Cigar Box Violin would be fantastic!
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