3. Unknown
4. Uke Jackson's Ukulele playing Frog Tattoo
5. Derek Gabbards's Flaming Ukulele Tattoo
6. Tattoo by Sunny Buick
7. Joe Zane's Uke Tattoo
8.Ami Worthen's Tattoo (The Mad Tea Party)
9. Unknown
10. Daniella's (from Michigan) Tattoo
11. & 12. Tattoo's by Sunny Buick
These are great. I'm a heavily tattooed uke player. I have one Waverly Street Uke that was hand painted by a tattoo artist, Thee Artful Dodger of Columbus, Ohio. I have another ukulele by Peter Hurney of Pohaku Ukuleles. It is in the same colors as one of my tatoos and has an inlay that resembles the tattoo. Weird thing about that was that Peter hadn't met me when he started the ukulele. He was showing me his shop and showed me this "work in progress" uke that prompted me to roll up my sleeve and show him my matching tattoo. Not surprisingly, I ended up buying the ukulele. I really should get myself tattooed with a ukulele. I just haven't quite come up with the design and the artist.
Hi Jon,
I'd love to see a photograph of the uke and the tattoo. I stopped by your blog this morning and i love the way you write. Having grown up in 'Good Ole' Boy' territory I especially enjoyed the post 'Good Ole Boys or why i live here'. Yep, we're a mixed up and misunderstood bunch for sure.
I look forward to snooping around your blog some more.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jon: small world! I'm tattoo #2 on this board and Kat (artful dodger) did the tattoo right next to this one and the one on my shoulder! So glad Dave's ukulele found a good home!
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