I had a the greatest dream. I was Lemmy's secretary. Yes, Lemmy, from Motorhead. Well, Lemmy had some big plans. He was getting ready to spend some time atop a mountain to figure out some earth changing idea he had...something involving recycling. Anyway, he wanted me to take some notes (this is where it gets good) so i pulled out a Moleskine notebook.

At the sight of my notebook, Lemmy lost his mind. He wasn't having any of that pussy-ass Moleskine crap. He insisted that i take notes in a
Big Chief Tablet which he quickly acquired for me from the large supply he had in his back room. So i took notes in a Big Chief and life was good. And that was it. Isn't that cool?!! I hadn't thought of Big Chief Tablets in years. I have no idea where this all came from but i've felt really close to Lemmy ever since and a little bit of an asshole everytime i pull out my Moleskine. And, i really want a Big Chief Tablet.
Had to chuckle. I haven't seen or thought about a Big Chief tablet in years either. I used to love putting my name on the front, so proud.
Speaking of which, we're driving to New Orleans for Christmas. My great-grandmother, about 7 when Lincoln was alive, was found by some carmalite nuns on the street. Her parents had died in the Yellow Fever epidemic. The nuns wanted to make a nun out of her. Anyway, about seven years later she escaped and married my great-grandfather. That convent is now the Bourbon Orleans in the Quarter, the only known such hotel in the U.S. I've been wanting to stay there for years and am soooo excited. We're returning via Oxford, MS.
Hey Kittie,
Wow, what an amazing story. The Bourbon Orleans..I've stayed there, it's lovely. Actually, i think the last time i was home we stayed at the Bourbon. How i envy you going to New Orleans for Christmas. I miss my parents so. Have a wonderful time!
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