A LimberJack is also known as a Jig Doll, SlapJack, JiggerMan, LimberJim, LimberJill, Dancin' Dan, or Paddle Puppet, particularly common in the Appalachain region in the United States but probably originates in the 'Old World'.
I have seen these before and i loved how the dolls were built and the automation of the figure but quite honestly found it pretty damn irritating to listen to after a short while. You see, these dolls are actually a percussion instrument as the figure 'tap dances' with the help of a paddle. But today i saw this video of a gal named Trish. Now this is some good LimberJacking. Quite humorous as well...
I looked around a bit and found some pretty cool Limberjacks available online. Here's one in doggy form made (and played) by Miss Mary Lee. Her Limberjacks are available at
Piper Grove
She also makes a frog Limberjack and a plain one which you could embellish yourself. There are also
LimberJack Kits available at Prairie Wind Toys. Excellent gift to find in your shoe from St. Nicolas or in your stocking from Santa! A Limberjack would also be quite easy to make from scratch. Tip: The best Dancing Jacks have an articulated ankle. For more information about Dancing Dans and Limber Jims, visit
Chris Brady's Jig Doll Page.
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